Room Integrity Testing

Our commitment to use state of the art testing equipment assures you will receive the most accurate information available. A fan test performed by us gives you the peace of mind of knowing the fire suppression system will hold the concentration of the agent as designed.

Fire and Security Techniques door fan test is an easy, reliable and fast way to test the room tightness to ensure that the concentration of the fire suppression system is held for at least 10 minutes for the suppressant to extinguish the fire.

A room integrity test, also known as a door fan test, is critical in ensuring that the performance of the fire suppression system remains at its optimal level if a fire happens to occur. Our commitment to only using state-of-the-art room integrity testing equipment assures you will receive the most accurate information available.

Providing you with the peace of mind that any fire will be sufficiently extinguished and your critical assets remain protected.


Our Recommendations


Any visible holes, cable entry points, ducting and electrical conduit points must be suitably sealed.


All air conditioning ducting requires dampers at both the entry point into a risk and the exit point from the risk. This essentially seals the risk.


Any extract fans need to shut down and have dampers installed to seal before the agent discharges.


Drywalling presents a severe problem concerning an adequate seal. Dry walling rooms generally consist of an inner wall and outer wall with Drywalling in-between. It is commonly found that where the walling meets both the floor and ceiling is where most leaks occur.


Suspended Ceilings: Ensure suspended ceilings are correctly installed and secured into place.


Air conditioning

There are generally two types of air conditioning used. These are self-contained units such as the standard office type split unit and a central air conditioning system.

    1. The split unit type generally does not affect the hold time of the agent, and in most cases, will assist with the circulation of the agent once discharged.
    2. Assurances must be made for any penetrations to the outside compressor units to be suitably sealed to prevent the hold time from being affected. It is understood that not all holes in this instance can be addressed as there is generally a water drain pipe that cannot be sealed. However, minimising the cavities is imperative.
    3. Central air conditioning generally pulls fresh air from the outside, passes the air over a cooling method then circulates the air throughout the building. Where this type of air conditioner is used, dampers need to be installed at the entry point and exit point of the risk to ensure the risk is sealed. This type of air conditioner needs to be shut down.

Request A Quote

We offer Room Integrity Tests across the SADC region of Africa and throughout the whole of South Africa.

Contact us today or book via the form below.

We are happy to assist with any questions or specific fire safety requirements you may have.

Room integrity policy:

Any test that fails will be recharged for
a. Where it is identified that obvious leakage points are evident, the test will not be conducted and travelling will be charged for.

b. Any standing time experienced that has not been allocated in the quotation will be charged for.

Fire and Security Techniques are not responsible for the sealing of rooms. Where temporary sealing is requested in order to conduct the test will not be carried out, and the test will not be conducted.