Halon Banking

FST is an authorised halon bank and recovery facility trusted by the Halon Bank of South Africa.
We assist with recovery, recycling, and refilling of existing halon fire suppression systems.

Fire and Security Techniques is an authorised halon bank and recovery facility with over 25 years of experience working in conjunction with the South African Department of Environmental Affairs and the Halon bank of South Africa.

Fire Suppression Equipment Servicing Man Attending To Gas Cylinders

Our recovery plant is located within an industrial facility situated in Centurion in Gauteng, South Africa.

It is well established throughout the world that emissions of Halons used in fire suppression equipment contribute to the depletion of stratospheric ozone. With the demise of Halon 1301 production, there is a critical need to maintain a bank of Halon 1301 for recharging existing halon fire suppression systems until alternate agents or technology can be provided.

Although Fire and Security Techniques are authorised to provide Halon recovery, all documentation and submissions must go through The Halon Bank of South Africa. However, we will gladly assist in this process if required. Please see the contact details below.


Our Solutions Include




Stock Holding



A Code of Practice has been developed to assure the public that members of the Halon Bank of SA engaged in the business of Halon recovery, recycling, and refilling operate in a manner that promotes safe and environmentally responsible Halon reclamation. If you require further information on the Code of Practice, contact the Halon Bank directly, then direct your enquiry to:

Halon Bank Of South Africa

If you have any queries, please reach out to one of our halon banking specialists.
By contacting us on 012 621 9400 or via the contact us form.